Mortal Prophets, led by frontman John Beckmann, has unveiled a bold new EP titled “Meine Liebe.” This release marks the culmination of an extraordinary journey that began with the discovery of a mysterious acetate record in a Munich record store in 2018. The record, bearing the name “Meine Liebe,” featured haunting strains of German opera mingled with European electronica and new-wave echoes, captivating Beckmann with its wild and untamed beauty.
Despite the enigmatic nature of the record and the elusive identity of its creators, Beckmann was determined to revive and reimagine this lost musical artifact. Teaming up with producer David Sisko in New York City, they embarked on a creative odyssey to breathe new life into “Meine Liebe,” resulting in a bold and innovative EP.
The “Meine Liebe” EP features six incarnations of the original track, offering a diverse range of sonic experiences. From a meticulous recreation of the mono pressing to a contemporary stereo mix, and four additional spellbinding electronica and trip-hop renditions, each version provides a fresh lens through which to view the enigmatic song. This endeavor not only breathes life into a forgotten piece of music but also delves into the depths of alternative music history.
On June 14, “Meine Liebe” emerges from the shadows, promising to enthrall listeners with its blend of historical mystery and innovative sound. Beckmann and Sisko’s collaboration is a testament to the timeless nature of music, where past and present converge in a symphony of endless possibilities.
Mortal Prophets’ “Meine Liebe” EP is a testament to the band’s commitment to pushing creative boundaries and exploring the depths of musical expression. With its fusion of haunting melodies, electronic elements, and a rich historical narrative, the EP promises to captivate and transport listeners on a sonic journey that bridges the gaps between eras and genres.